March showers bring April hail storms!

Charlotte had a very cold and wet March and we were looking forward to a nice weekend and Mother Nature decided to change things up. After a late Friday night slumber party at Casa de Schell (formal attire required for pizza and easy mac per the girls)......

Lexi, Addie & Caitlin

After a LATE night Caitlin, crashed on the couch for a 3 hr (yes 3 hrs for the girl who never naps on weekends anymore) so I ran to the store and at 5:30pm when I came out it was dark (in the spring) so I hurried home knowing this wasn't going to be good.

We planned to go to one of our fave places for dinner but the lightening held us back, it finally let up and we decided even though it was like 6:30pm we'll still go. Everyone got ready and as we were leaving it started hailing lightly so of course my car was not coming out! So we wait.... and it got worse....

Holy crap right?

For those of you who have been to our house we live on a hill, we have a very steep driveway which you would never think to worry about it EVER retaining water. So this is what our backyard looked like (also note that cooler was originally up against the deck!)

And the video that Shawn took (sorry it's sideways).....


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