Summer's end

Wow didn't realize it's been almost 7 months since I last wrote something. Summer is coming to an end, it's been a crazy year so far but hoping for smoother times to come soon. Caitlin is definitely going through her 3/4 stage - oh my! Very opinionated, stubborn and too smart for her little body. Last week we moved her from Chesterbrook Academy to Calvary Child Development center ( ) and it certainly has been a little different for me. Shawn was in Atlanta last week beginning a new job and the new school routine is just different. She seems to adore her new teachers and loves the activities they do each day. Calvary is just a much bigger school than Chesterbrook was and she had been there since 6 months old. Most of her friends we hang out with outside of the school so we weren't concerned with losing touch with them.

Caitlin & Ms. Carol (3s teacher at Chesterbrook)

Lexie & Caitlin (they have been in school together since they were very young and could almost be twins).

Caitlin & Alex have been in the same class for close to 3 years

Last month Caitlin was the flower girl in Marybeth & Steve's wedding in Delaware. She did an amazing job and it was a beautiful wedding.
Flower girl Caitlin

Caitlin getting down at Marybeth's wedding
Shane, Brendan & Caitlin  2010
In May/June we went to Myrtle Beach for our annual Hoelderlin vacation. Shane, Brendan and Caitlin got along so well. We all had a great time.
This week Caitlin and I are flying to NY for my cousin Mark's wedding. Again will be a quick trip (Thurs to Sun) but we should get some QT with the Martin's and then the rest of the family on Saturday for the wedding. It's been a while since we have all been together again.


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