
Showing posts from February, 2009

Snow Day

Everyone who lives in Charlotte knows how rare it is for snow to occur (especially when the weathermen predict it). About 2 weeks ago we woke up to snow and a good amount of it! Caitlin's daycare had a delayed opening so I worked from home in the morning. As you can see in the below video, Caitlin was SO excited that it snowed. I took her out to play for a little while and she loved it and ran around in circles. I am guessing because she just wasn't too sure what she was supposed to do with it! Casey came out to play with us. Nothing really stuck to the roads so I took her into school about 11:30 and went on into work. By the time we got home that evening, the snow was mostly gone. I am so glad she was about to play for the little bit she did.