
Showing posts from November, 2010

Thanksgiving party

Caitlin's preschool had their Thanksgiving party today and sang a few songs for the parents. They were so cute and proud of themselves. Here they are singing "I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving day,  they stuff you and bake you and taste you" Blessing before lunch "Thanks you Jesus for you food..."


I love picking out a themed birthday cake, one that fits what Caitlin is into at that moment or throughout the previous year. Below are the cakes from her birthday parties through the year. I have to find the actual cake used for her 1st but the Pooh was a test one I did a month before to see if I was going to make her cake (obviously decided not to). Year of the Disney Princesses Tink is still a favorite a year later. Do we ever really outgrow Sesame Street? I remember laughing that I put the cars on wrong should be at the bottom of the cake so Elmo and Big Bird are looking towards you  : ) My attempt at a homeade cake

Our baby is Four....

I can't believe Caitlin is turning 4 in just 4 days. She's such a great child and I am so happy to experience childhood again through her eyes. Tomorrow is her birthday party at Monkey Joe's and she is beyond excited. Check back for pictures.  Caitlin Riley minutes old 11/16/2006 1 Year Old 2 Years Old 3 Years Old  4 Years Old